ONCOFUCO-for Distributor and Healthcare Professional

We’re Looking for Distributors and Healthcare Professionals!

We would like to explore potential partnerships in global market to make ONCOFUCO (former name Oligo Fucoidan) available to those who need it. We are interested in offering OliFuco® Oligo Fucoidan as a raw material or as a branded finished product to cater to the different markets’ unique needs.

Research Driven Adjunct Supplement-ONCOFUCO (former name Oligo Fucoidan)

Hi-Q has successfully developed a range of dietary supplement that utilize OliFuco® Oligo Fucoidan as a key ingredient, specifically for cancer patients as a complementary or adjunct therapy. These cancer dietary supplement products have been highly recommended by pharmacists and doctors, with over 3,500 pharmacies, hospitals, and clinics stocking and selling our dietary supplement products in Taiwan. Hi-Q’s products have also received excellent reviews and sales figures, highlighting the potential of these products in the market. The sales performance has been remarkable, and we believe that there is a great demand for such products in the global market.

Hi-Q Oligo Fucoidan series cancer dietary supplement products are highly recommended by doctors and health professionals
Doctor’s Recommended Dietary Supplement

Hi-Q ONCOFUCO (former name Oligo Fucoidan) series cancer dietary supplement products are highly recommended by doctors and health professionals, resulting in widespread adoption and availability in the market..

Pharmacy Best-Sellers

Hi-Q‘s products stand out as pharmacy hot-sellers, consistently topping the charts in over 3,000 pharmacies across Taiwan. With a sales history of over 14 years, we have earned the trust and preference of pharmacists, making us the go-to brand for cancer dietary supplements. This widespread popularity underscores the effectiveness and reliability of our products, reinforcing our commitment to providing top-quality solutions for our customers.

Harness the potential of health supplements to provide valuable assistance in the journey of cancer care

In the realm of healthcare, there exists a distinct division between medications and food. Cancer, undoubtedly, demands the comprehensive approach of medication and professional medical intervention. However, we firmly believe in the significant impact of nutritional support as a valuable adjunct to conventional cancer treatment. At the core of our philosophy lies the understanding that cancer dietary supplements, such as ours, serve as a bridge between pharmaceutical interventions and dietary needs. While medications address the disease at its core, we acknowledge the crucial role of tailored nutritional support in complementing and enhancing the therapeutic outcomes for cancer patients.

Hi-Q’s Greatest Strength
Leading in Human Clinical Trials of OliFuco® Oligo Fucoidan in Cancer Studies and Mechanism Research

Hi-Q collaborates with leading research institutions, hospitals and universities for advanced research and solution. More than 60 international scientific articles were published. Among the articles, over 30 explore oncology, immunomodulation and inflammation studies. Not only animal model-based pre-clinical studies, Hi-Q also invests in more than 10 human clinical trials to prove the efficacy of Oligo Fucoidan. 

Hi-Q’s Significant Milestone in Human Clinical Trial

One significant milestone in our research journey occurred in 2017 when we successfully completed the first double-blind, randomized controlled trial at Kaohsiung Medical University. This landmark trial specifically evaluated the efficacy of OliFuco® as a supplemental therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer patients. The trial conclusively demonstrated the effectiveness of OliFuco® in enhancing the disease control rate among these patients. We are conducting ongoing studies

The scientific studies result show that Oligo fucoidan, whether through in vitro to in vivo research studies or clinical trials in humans, has been proven to produce positive bioactive and synergy effects of adjuvant therapy on cancer treatment. This allows molecular mechanisms in cancer research to be applied in adjunct cancer treatment, in line with the pursuit of translational medicine and the mindset of establishing a direct link between basic medical research and clinical applications

The Next Level of Oligo Fucoidan 
Implication: NCI Drug Dictionary

The NCI Drug Dictionary, issued by National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the United States of America, comprises technical definitions and synonyms for drugs/agents used to treat patients with cancer or conditions related to cancer. Health professionals as well as the general public can refer to these drug entries to review clinical trials that are listed in NCI's List of Cancer Clinical Trials.OliFuco® (Oligo Fucoidan) has been used in our supplement recommended by doctors and pharmacists to cancer patients, but this is the first time the ingredient is recognized by a credential international institute like NCI. The scientific results of OliFuco® demonstrates the true value of Oligo Fucoidan as a functional ingredient for health and nutraceutical purposes and as an adjuvant supplement.

Global Nutrition Research Project Specialty Award

In 2023, Hi-Q won the esteemed NutraIngredients-Asia Award 2023: The 'Oscar' of Nutritional Ingredients Industry. Hi-Q was awarded the Nutrition Research Project Specialty Award for our project titled " Exploring the Adjunct Therapeutic Potential of OliFuco® Oligo Fucoidan in Supplemental Intervention for Cancer Cachexia: Enhancing Treatment Outcomes and Improving Quality of Life". This award-winning research project not only represents Hi-Q's outstanding contributions to the global nutrition industry but also provides cancer patients worldwide with more supplemental treatment options.

Making Differences in Cancer Care

•Enhancing anti-tumor immune response

•Alleviating side effects of cachexia

•Improving quality of life

•Improving treatment tolerance of patients

As a well-known dietary supplement supplier, Hi-Q cancer dietary supplement provided precise care for over 100,000 consumers through their cancer journey.