Hi-Q’s Health Supplements Receives SNQ “Symbol of National Quality” Certification
The SNQ Certification is given by Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry, products certified with the SNQ designation are evaluated by a panel of scholars and experts, including doctors, professors, and researchers, against a number of scientific, efficacy, and strict quality criteria. This certification is awarded yearly and is the most trusted symbol of safety and quality for health supplement and biotechnology products in Taiwan.
Hi-Q’s health supplements, Oligo Fucoidan and BalanGluco, was awarded. Yesterday, Dr. Ming-De Yan, RD Director of Hi-Q, attended the awarding ceremony and received the awards. We were absolutely delighted to receive the award and felt very proud to be recognized.
The SNQ certification reflects our company’s commitment to providing the highest quality products to our distributors and customers. Hi-Q has joined collaboration across government institutions, academics universities and hospital groups. Top-notch Fucoidan with human clinical study verified by scientists & medical professionals. Safety & efficacy of low molecular fucoidan & fucoxanthin are proven with scientific data, 50+ scientific studies are published.
Hi-Q's Rakuten Store: https://item.rakuten.co.jp/twdirect/tra-hiq-01/